Monday, November 16, 2009

More designs for GWP site!

well my sketchbook has been real busy, painting.....well lets stick to the latest sketches. These three designs were illustrated for the website.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lions, Tigers, and Astronauts Oh My!!

It has been a while since my last blog, but in my defense I have been busy getting married and playing catch up from my brief honeymoon. These are sketches from my latest series of work. These are sketches for current and future paintings that revolve around an astronaut motif. The astronaut serves as my dopple-ganger within this self portrait/ narrative series. I am heavily influenced by Stanley Kubrick's "2001 space Odyssey," particularly the later quarter of the film. I am setting this "Kubrickian" dialogue within fictitious room or series of rooms. I have two series of self portraits evolving in my studio, the astronaut series, and my fractal/ collage like series of paintings. Other than the depiction of technology it is unsure at this point where these two series will coexist. I hope to write more in the future about this series as developments occur.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Out with the Old and In with the New!

Well, as I have stated in a previous Blog, I am going through a type of "Spring cleaning,' in my art world. After Grad school (almost ten years ago) my portfolio was quite bare. I produced little, and much was done upon commision or request. The two female model pieces are examples of just that. I am now working on a new series of work, based around self portraiture and narrative. the head shot used on my blog, business card and other tools will be a common motif. I have attached a few works in progress to illustrate this new direction. I hope to see good things in the future.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thanks GWP for the chance to design website.

Just some designs I illustrated for Thanks to Keith Murphey for the opportunity,I had a lot of fun!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Early Book development

Well I'm not done with the layout for this blog, but rather than waiting to have the time to have everything done and set up, I should at least make time to blog. I am going to try to have an entry everyday or few days. So I guess the Blog set up gets done when it gets done. In addition to my paintings, art workshops, I am working on a graphic novel. I am not ready to show any completed pages but I thought I would attach a few sketches. I will blog later about the title, content, characters and so on, for now I will let the sketches stand alone. Since this is my "sketchbook blog," I will try to make many of these unfinished sketch entries as often as possible. Already with this brief sample one can see there are different art/inking styles at work. That is something is am trying to incorporate into the overall feel and style of the book. I will try and blog more about what the book is actually about later.