Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Acrylic Painting Class in Middletown

Just a small announcement, I am scheduled to teach an Acrylic Painting class at the Green Street Arts Center in Middletown, CT. The class will be held on Wednesday Evenings at 6pm, and registration is now open. There will be two sessions available, each with seperate registration. If you have been following my blogs, facebook, and have the desire to paint, or just want to learn, come check it out! I will focus on technique as much as subject matter. Each session is only four weeks long, so there will be large push to complete one painting. More information can be found at - hope to see you there!

Eden Through Barb Wire

Well the long wait is over, the book cover is finally done!!!! It has taken a wile, especially with working 4 jobs, seven days a week, teaching art workshops, my martial arts classes,and of course finalizing other projects like the movie poster project, zombie covers, and pinups- exhausted yet? The landscape view is indicative of a back to cover (wrap- around) style.I have really enjoyed this project, and it has thematically opened new ideas and projects within my art; mostly centered around theology.

Movie poster Complete

Well this the final version of the movie poster. Free Lunch Comics will be holding a classic Movie poster theme art show October 14th in East Granby. This is my submission for the event, the classic Frankenstein as seen through my vision.